The Morning between 7 and 9 a.m.
1. Our host's dog Rich tried to wake me up by licking my face. I nicely told him to go away and put him on the floor. He decided he did not like that and peed all over the floor while wagging his tail and looking so cute I couldn't get mad at him!
2. It was 7 a.m. at this point so I got up and woke the girls up and decided I needed another hour of sleep, I cleaned up the floor and crashed.
3. I woke up to Sarah making high pitched funny noises in the other room. Rich decided he was not yet through with us American girls and as it turns out really really likes Sarah's pillow... I am not even going to say more but will let her respond in her own way on her own blog as to least embarrass her! :) (check back for Sarah's picture)
4. We ate and drank a hearty breakfast to energize us for the long and exciting day of touring the city. PIZZA, YOGURT, VEGGIES, CHEESE, TEA, and VODKA! Okay just kidding about the vodka ...
The afternoon between 11 and 6
5. We had an excellent tour guide today who told us all about the history of the city of Vladimir which is debated amoung historians as being the oldest city/town in Russia. I have ALL of the video to prove it and can't wait to show it to everyone... stop yawning it is really exciting unless history bores you. Mike you don't have much of a choice sorry! Did you know that Catherine the Great visited the city of Vladimir and had over 14,000 rubles donated to fix the monasteries that were falling down? To put it into context a couple Kopecks would buy you a loaf of bread and there are 100 kopecks in a ruble!!! (see picture)
6. We shopped and Sarah and I bought a few t-shirts because it has been in the 70's since we got here. There goes that sterotype of "cold" Russia. I also found out that the main reason they drink a lot of Vodka is because it is the cheapest liquor available. Rum, Tequila, and other hard liquors are at least three times as much as the vodka! (see picture)
The evening between 7 and 11
7. We went to dinner and had our second presentation. All went well until John looked at the food and turned to me and said "do you know what that is"? I said "don't tell me unless it is fish because I would prefer not to swell up like a balloon", As long as it is not fish and you don't tell me I will try it". He gave me some and then preceded to tell me it was Bull tongue!!! Of course I had to have some or risk looking like a chicken and smothered it with horse radish! The result was no the same as my experience opn the flight over and it actually wasn't too bad but I chose not to have another! (see dinner picture)
8. Drank to much wine and went back and took funny pictures with the girls!!
It is now 1 a.m. and time for bed!!! Dobrey Nouch! (see picture)
A special hello to Shane, Colin, Little Nikki, Abby and Ryan! I miss you all and will be sure to spoil you with all of the Russian gifts I have bought. You might want to mention to Uncle Mikey that in order to bring home all these gifts I might have to buy another suitcase! Nikki and Abby- How is the puppy shopping going? Have you talked Unlce Mikey into buying me one as a welcome home present???
Jenn, What a trip of a lifetime! I loved reading about all of your activities and will continue to follow your progress! Keep buying those clothes so that you can continue trying all that food. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity...don't miss out! Have a safe and wonderful time! Janet
ReplyDeleteUncle Mikey read us your greeting. We miss you too Auntie Jen. Love Abby and Ryan.
ReplyDeleteJanet- Thanks for the greetings and advice! I will be sure to keep going with the food!
ReplyDeleteAbby- I am so glad you liked the horse I will take some more cool pictures for you!!
Rich is a very "sexy dog" and has taken a liking to me and my belongings. Let's just say Peter might be jealous...
ReplyDeleteCan we see a picture of Rich?