The second night here we went bowling!!!!! I was the champion and they called me "strong Russian Woman" We had a tone of fun!
I have so much to say but will keep it short. Here are a few interesting things I have seen/learned about here in Russia...
I have yet to see anyone on the streets, in school or on the streets in sweats unless they are running. Everyone is well dressed and all the women wear high heels and when they walk by us "Americans" they look at our feet! No high heels for me, I have no idea how they do it! My feet hurt in regular shoes after walking for a couple hours and they do it all day!
We drove about 60 miles to a neighboring town for some site seeing. On the way we saw many military vehicles and an ARMED tank on the side of the road with military dressed men just sitting in it. We got pulled over because we forgot to put on our headlights which is a requirement when you enter a city. Interesting...
We have visited a couple schools so far and we have been very impressed with the students. Wheever we came into a room they stand up and greet us. They seemed thrilled to see us and for the most part they LOVE Americans. We had panel discussions and they asked us all kinds of questions. A good percentage of them study English and all of them are required to take foreign leanguages starting very young. Lets just say their English is a lot better than our Russian.
Many of the students (grades 9-12 and College age) want to know about American politics and all about the economy. They want to know how we feel about our new President and they want us to talk to them about the American economic crisis. I was unprepared for this and was very surprised that they had such an interest in our country.
Many of the roads do not have dividing lines and every car ride I have had so far has been an experience! I try to sit in the front because if you read the flight blog you know that I get motion sickness. Also I have yet to see a parking lot - people here just park wherever ... including sidewalks! It is strange to see. I also have yet to see a speed limit sign even though I know they must have them.
Everything is great! All of the people are wonderful! They have all been so warm and welcoming and I have not eaten so much in a long time! The food is awesome, expect an expanded version of Jen Vincent! We are going to the Banya tonight yet I do not know what that is so we will see! It has been very warm so far and I have not worn any sweaters!
Pictures and video are to follow! We do not have acces to interent everyday and uploading is difficult so check back for pictures and video!
P.S.: Our host family boguht us toilet paper!
actually, while Jen may have been women's champion, she did not bowl over a 168.
ReplyDeleteMike ("I'm Not Competitive") Maholchic
just setting the record straight.