This picture was at dinner. I was so in my element. The gentlman with the gutiar sings in an Irish Rock Band, has an awesome accentt hat all the ladies loved and he played the guitar for us while we sang Friends in Low Places by Garth Brooks!!! Diana I know you wish you were here for that one!
At the nightclub "Poncho Villa" with the group and some students we met at Moscow State University during our professional day. From left to right following along the back row: Judith (my newsouthern friend from Alabama who is studying here to be an astronaut), Sarah, John, Jen, Ana and Ana.
This is also from the club and we had no ide we were given bunny ears!!! Left to right: Judith, Yulia, and Jen.
Sarah and I being silly on her birthday!
The whole group of young professionals and students at dinner before "Poncho Villa" and the curse of cuervo!
The young girl looks wide eyed around at the magical place called "Moscow". There are so many sights to see, places to go and wonders to explore and she wonders where to go first. Everyone seems so fast and everything seems to be happening at a speed foreign to even this young girl who has been repeatedly told to slow down. It is very overwhelming but exciting and she begins to slowly awaken to and embrace the new speed ... On day four she wakes up at noon in the clothes she wore the day before and a splitting headache and decides that "The City that Never Sleeps" is not for her and she is looking forward to moving on to Chevepovets and the country not at all caring that for fun she may be tipping cows. :)
We all went out last night and I personally had a great time. I have a feeling that it will be the only time in my life I choose to stay up all night. I thought it might be nice to experience the feeling once and the perfect opportunity presented itself laast night when we realized we had stayed out to late and the metro was closed until 5:30 a.m. and it was only 1:30a.m. Check out the pictures of our fun and exciting evening last night at "Poncho Villa" a Mexican nightclub in the heart of the city. How we found a Mexican bar in the middle of Russia I will never know becuase I am following instead of leading for a change.
The trip is wonderful I am having a blast. It has been two weeks now but I feel like I have been away forever because we have done so much. I'd like to take this opportunity to say hello to Mike whom I finally got the chance to webcam and see for the first time in two weeks. Hi to my mom, little Nikki, Colin, Shane, Abby and Ryan and all the rest fo my faithful followers! I hope you are all enjoying reading about the trip. If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail them!
Congrats to one of our followers Ashleigh Chaves. She is graduating from High School in about a week and will be attending Bridgewater State College in the fall to become an elementary school teacher!!! Congrats, teaching is an awesome profession and I am sure you will love it as much as your mom and I do!
Well we are off to a house party where we will be watching the Euro Vision competition taking place right down the road! Another sleepless night!!! I cannot believe I have not crashed yet!!! To be continued!!! Enjoy the pics.
I imagined more sombreros in the club. Reminds me of the Mexican bar we visited in Hong Kong where they strapped you in a chair and skuzzed tequila down your gullet until you could handle it no more and chundered it all back up.
ReplyDeleteIncidentally, the "web cam" was purly PG rated for all those wondering.