We arrived in Cherepovets by an overnight train from Moscow on Tuesday May 19th. There was a group of people there to welcome us at the train station. It was a great feeling having them welcome us and even better that they helped me move my luggage because I was exhausted from the trip.
We were brought to our accommodations and each of us are staying with a different family. The family I am staying with has a 22 year old daughter in college and we became fast friends even though her English is about as good as my Russian!!!
Back at our place I was given a hearty breakfast and shown the shower. Oh my goodness after being in a hostel in Moscow I thought I had died and gone to heaven. They had in their bathroom the deepest tub I have ever seen in my life. I did not get my hopes up until I saw there was no shower curtain and I am sure my eyes grew quite big as I drooled over myself and asked how high I could fill the tub. My host sister pointed to the top and I am pretty sure I let out the longest sigh ever. Needless to say she began laughing and filled it for me as I got my clothes. I stayed in that tub until it turned cold and every inch of my body felt clean again.
We then ate again and on that note I will never complain again about not eating enough as I did in Moscow. I was then brought out to meet with the group and we were given a tour of downtown Cherepovets. There is quite a bit of history here and for you history buffs worth looking up!!! We had our presentation to the rotary club here and it went well. They were a small group but are doing big things in the community and are a very nice group of people. On top of that they gave me a schedule for the week so they are #1 in my book!!!! After the presentation we were given tea and sweets which were so good I brought one home and am eating it now!!! My host sister then came to pick me up and off we went down the streets of Russia. It is really so cool just looking around and seeing all there is to see and how many things are the same as in the United States but look so different because of the language. It is strange and hard to explain!
After we arrived back I changed clothes and was brought to an indoor rock climbing gym. I had an awesome time and the people there were so friendly!!!! We spent the rest of the night with them and we talked and explored the city and they showed me what they did for fun and we talked about cultural differences and similarities, and of course we laughed because of the language barrier but we figured out that the game charades seems to be universally known and all went well. They were so great it was definitely one of the most interesting, informative, and fun nights I have had so far in Russia. On top of that I did not even have a sip of alcohol and that was a good change!!! FYI I have lost my voice from all of the talking, laughing, and fun!!!!
We were home early and in bed because my host family wanted to make sure I got enough sleep. They are really great and kind. Here is an example. I lost my glasses/sunglasses during our stay in Ivanovo (sorry Mike this is probably the first you are hearing of this) and I have been trying to buy a pair of sunglasses since the first week here but have been unable to for a number of reasons. My host dad saw that I was squinting as we were driving and low and behold he pulled out a pair of sunglasses and you would never believe what color they were ... orange my favorite!!! I tried to put them back when I got out but he told me to keep them and use them while I was here!
So far that is Cherepovets and it is only the first day. My hoist dad saw pictures of me rafting and this coming Sunday is a host family day and knows I enjoy the outdoors so they are planning some sort of outdoor activity for me and I am so excited!!!! The following is our schedule for our time in Cherepovets! We do not have as much access to internet here but I will post when I can!!! Hope you enjoyed the videos and when I return or get to St. Petersburg I will post more!!
Wednesday May 20th – Tour of steel factory which is what the town is well known for. Visit to the local hospital. Visit to a private English school. Visit with the local administration (not sure how that translates for us).
Thursday May 21st – Trip to Sizma Village and tour. Russian stove lunch???? Slavic games and activities??? Vistit to Russian culture and household museum.
Friday May 22nd – Visit to Vologda and tour of town
Saturday May 23rd – Day of fishing and picnicking by the river and we are going out on the town that evening to a place called Barracuda- name is perfect considering our day of fishing!
Sunday May 24th – Host family day????
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